Onsdag eftermiddag er der blevet affyret flere skud foran det britiske parlament i London, og en politimand er blevet stukket med kniv.

Det melder flere internationale medier.

Den formodede gerningsmand er blevet skudt af politiet, meddeler David Lidington, som er lederen af parlamentets underhus. Hele parlamentet er under en såkaldt lockdown.

En fotograf fra Reuters har tidligere fortalt, at han har set omkring seks sårede personer ligge på Westminster Bridge ikke langt fra den lovgivende forsamling i London, og der er meldinger om, at personerne på broen er kørt ned af en bil.

Ifølge en læge ved St Thomas hospital har en kvinde mistet livet, mens flere andre har katastrofale skader, skriver BBC.

Metropolitan Police i London oplyser, at man betragter episoden som et terrorangreb, indtil andet er kendt.

Flere vidner fortæller til britiske medier, hvordan de var nær episoden, da det hele skete.

Rick Longley sp på tæt hold, hvordan en politibetjent blev stukket ned.

»En fyr kom forbi min højre skulder med en stor kniv og begyndte at stikke den ind i politimanden,« siger han til Sky News og tilføjer:

»Jeg har aldrig set noget lignende. Jeg kan slet ikke tro, hvad jeg så.«

Også Jayne Wilkinson og hendes mand oplevede det hele helt tæt på.

»Vi tog billeder af Big Ben, og vi så alle folk løbe imod os, og der var en asiatisk mand i 40'erne som bar en kniv, der var omkring 17 cm lang,« fortæller Jayne Wilkinson til Daily Mail.

Efterfølgende så hun manden blive skudt.

»Så blev der affyret tre skud, og så krydsede vi vejen og kiggede over. Manden lå på jorden med blod på sig,« siger hun til Daily Mail.

Jayne Wilkinson beskriver, hvordan manden angiveligt løb mod det britiske parlament, mens politiet jagtede ham.

Hendes mand David Turner tilføjer:

»Der var en horde af mennesker, som løb ud. Man så folk og tænkte: Hvad fanden foregår der?« forklarer han til Daily Mail.

Richard Tyse kom op fra Westminster metro-station, og da han kom op på Westminster Bridge, så han flere kroppe liggende på broen.

»Jeg må have talt 8-10 på jorden,« siger han til Sky News.

Alan Parry fra Sky Sport News var uden for Westminster metro-station, da han hørte et enormt brag og så en bil, der gamte rækværket. Han så også en person, der blev ramt.

»Føreren af bilen sprintede væk fra stedet. Det blev efterfulgt af fire af hvad der i høj grad lød som skud. Pludselig var helvede løs, og der var politi alle steder. Hele området blev spærret af,« fortæller ha





En skudepisode har onsdag eftermidag fundet sted foran det britiske parlament i London.
En skudepisode har onsdag eftermidag fundet sted foran det britiske parlament i London. Foto: TOBY MELVILLE
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Members of the emergency services work on Westminster Bridge, alongside the Houses of Parliament in central London on March 22, 2017, during an emergency incident. British police shot a suspected attacker outside the Houses of Parliament in London on Wednesday after an officer was stabbed in what police said was a "terrorist" incident. One woman has died and others have "catastrophic" injuries following a suspected terror attack outside the British parliament, local media reported on Wednesday citing a junior doctor. / AFP PHOTO / NIKLAS HALLE'N
Members of the emergency services work on Westminster Bridge, alongside the Houses of Parliament in central London on March 22, 2017, during an emergency incident. British police shot a suspected attacker outside the Houses of Parliament in London on Wednesday after an officer was stabbed in what police said was a "terrorist" incident. One woman has died and others have "catastrophic" injuries following a suspected terror attack outside the British parliament, local media reported on Wednesday citing a junior doctor. / AFP PHOTO / NIKLAS HALLE'N Foto: NIKLAS HALLE'N
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Paramedics load a victim into the back of an ambulance as members of the emergency services work on Westminster Bridge, alonside the Houses of Parliament in central London on March 22, 2017, during an emergency incident. British police shot a suspected attacker outside the Houses of Parliament in London on Wednesday after an officer was stabbed in what police said was a "terrorist" incident. / AFP PHOTO / NIKLAS HALLE'N
Paramedics load a victim into the back of an ambulance as members of the emergency services work on Westminster Bridge, alonside the Houses of Parliament in central London on March 22, 2017, during an emergency incident. British police shot a suspected attacker outside the Houses of Parliament in London on Wednesday after an officer was stabbed in what police said was a "terrorist" incident. / AFP PHOTO / NIKLAS HALLE'N Foto: NIKLAS HALLE'N
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epa05863794 Armed police following major incidents outside the Houses of Parliament in central London, Britain, 22 March 2017. Scotland Yard said on 22 March 21017 the police were called to a firearms incident in the Westminister palace grounds and on Westminster Bridge amid reports of several people injured in central London. EPA/WILL OLIVER
epa05863794 Armed police following major incidents outside the Houses of Parliament in central London, Britain, 22 March 2017. Scotland Yard said on 22 March 21017 the police were called to a firearms incident in the Westminister palace grounds and on Westminster Bridge amid reports of several people injured in central London. EPA/WILL OLIVER Foto: WILL OLIVER
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epa05863790 Armed police following major incidents outside the Houses of Parliament in central London, Britain, 22 March 2017. Scotland Yard said on 22 March 21017 the police were called to a firearms incident in the Westminister palace grounds and on Westminster Bridge amid reports of several people injured in central London. EPA/ANDY RAIN
epa05863790 Armed police following major incidents outside the Houses of Parliament in central London, Britain, 22 March 2017. Scotland Yard said on 22 March 21017 the police were called to a firearms incident in the Westminister palace grounds and on Westminster Bridge amid reports of several people injured in central London. EPA/ANDY RAIN Foto: ANDY RAIN/EPA
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epa05863732 Armed police following major incidents outside the Houses of Parliament in central London, Britain 22 March 2017. Scotland Yard said on 22 March 21017 the police were called to a firearms incident in the Westminister palace grounds and on Westminster Bridge amid reports of several people injured in central London. EPA/WILL OLIVER
epa05863732 Armed police following major incidents outside the Houses of Parliament in central London, Britain 22 March 2017. Scotland Yard said on 22 March 21017 the police were called to a firearms incident in the Westminister palace grounds and on Westminster Bridge amid reports of several people injured in central London. EPA/WILL OLIVER Foto: WILL OLIVER
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