Han blev billedet på det historiske angreb mod den amerikanske kongres.

Med bar mave, ansigtsmaling, horn og pelshue stormede Jacob Chansley ind i Kongressen 6. januar.

Det gjorde han, siger han, fordi han følte sig inviteret af Donald Trump. Men noget har siden ændret Qanon – tilhængerens forhold til den tidligere præsident. Det skriver Dagbladet.

For selvom Jacob Chansley hele tiden har kæmpet Donald Trumps kamp for at overbevise befolkningen om, at hans nederlag ved valget udelukkende skyldtes valgfusk, så har han nu tilbudt at kæmpe imod eks – præsidenten.

(FILES) In this file photo from on January 6, 2021, supporters of US President Donald Trump, including member of the QAnon conspiracy group Jake Angeli, aka Yellowstone Wolf (C), enter the US Capitol, in Washington, DC. - The American far right is angry: Angry at Joe Biden, angry at Donald Trump, angry at the enigmatic "Q" and angry with themselves. The online postings and chatrooms of extremists have been brimming with disappointment and dissent since the failed January 6 insurrection against Congress and the inauguration of Joe Biden as president. Followers of the QAnon conspiracy movement - - and its Delphic prophet Q - - are most in disarray, their millenarian predictions of chaos and doom accompanying Biden's elevation to the presidency not (or not yet) coming true. Ultranationalists like the Proud Boys, armed militias such as the Oath Keepers, and dangerous white supremacists and neo-Nazis have been pushed further underground, with followers who took part in the Capitol attack being swept up by law enforcement. (Photo by Saul LOEB / AFP)
(FILES) In this file photo from on January 6, 2021, supporters of US President Donald Trump, including member of the QAnon conspiracy group Jake Angeli, aka Yellowstone Wolf (C), enter the US Capitol, in Washington, DC. - The American far right is angry: Angry at Joe Biden, angry at Donald Trump, angry at the enigmatic "Q" and angry with themselves. The online postings and chatrooms of extremists have been brimming with disappointment and dissent since the failed January 6 insurrection against Congress and the inauguration of Joe Biden as president. Followers of the QAnon conspiracy movement - - and its Delphic prophet Q - - are most in disarray, their millenarian predictions of chaos and doom accompanying Biden's elevation to the presidency not (or not yet) coming true. Ultranationalists like the Proud Boys, armed militias such as the Oath Keepers, and dangerous white supremacists and neo-Nazis have been pushed further underground, with followers who took part in the Capitol attack being swept up by law enforcement. (Photo by Saul LOEB / AFP) Foto: SAUL LOEB
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Når Donald Trump skal for en rigsretssag i februar, så har manden med hornene nemlig tilbud at vidne imod ham.

Han sidder lige nu fængslet for sin rolle i optøjerne i januar, hvor han blandt andet er sigtet for ulovlig indtrængen og voldelig adfærd. Derfor er det hans forsvarer, der udtaler sig, og til nyhedsbureauet AP siger han, at Chansley var 'utrolig betaget' af Trump.

»For første gang i sit liv følte han, at han blev hørt,« lyder det fra Albert Watkins.

Men nu føler han sig i stedet svigtet.

Det skyldes ifølge Watkins, at hverken Chansley eller andre fra angrebet på Kongressen var på listen over de folk, som Donald Trump nåede at benåde, inden hans præsidentperiode sluttede.

Det er dog endnu uvist, om der overhovedet skal bruges vidner i rigsretssagen, der går i gang den anden uge af februar. Her er Donald Trump tiltalt for at have opfordret til oprør i forbindelse med nederlaget ved præsidentvalget i november.