»Følg ikke i mine fodspor.«

Så klar er meldingen fra menneskedukken Rodrigo Alves, der har brugt 4,2 millioner kroner på at ligne Barbie-Ken, til den britiske realitystjerne Lauren Goodger.

Hun er i den seneste tid poppet op i de britiske medier, hvor hun åbent snakker om, at hun får kosmetisk hjælp til at få den krop og det ansigt, som hun drømmer om.

Og det er altså de udtalelser, som har fået menneskedukken Ken til at advare Lauren Goodger mod plastikkirurgi.

»Jeg synes, hun er smuk og flot, og jeg er glad over, at hun har sagt flotte ord om mig. Men jeg vil langt fra anbefale nogle at gøre det samme som mig, når det kommer til plastikkirurgi. Jeg er et ekstremt eksempel,« siger Rodrigo Alves ifølge Daily Mail.

Han har netop fortalt, at han har fået foretaget sit sidste kirurgiske indgreb, efter han fik fjernet fire af sine ribben, så hans blazere passede ham bedre.

(Lauren Goodger)

Rodrigo Alvarez, the Human Ken Doll, seen out and about in Milan, Italy
Rodrigo Alvarez, the Human Ken Doll, seen out and about in Milan, Italy Foto: Alberto Scarpinato
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Lauren Goodger har indrømmet, at hun har fået foretaget en fedtsugning, og hun planlægger snart at komme under kniven igen.

(Sådan så Rodrigo Alves ud, før han fik foretaget operaioner)

PICS BY RODRIGO ALVES / CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: Prior to surgery in the old days before he became the human ken dol) - The Human Ken Doll has dressed in a PlayBoy bunny outfit and skimpy lingerie to support a gender fluidity campaign after childhood bullying for embracing feminine side. Rodrigo Alves, 34, pushes the boundaries in the New York photoshoot to show that men can be sexy and attractive in effeminate clothing and try to support those who feel unable to express themselves. He recalls from childhood being allowed to play with dolls and wearing effeminate colours, without judgement until going to school. Classmates would call him gay boy and other names, as well as pushing him down the stairs for not conforming to gender-norms of the masculine male image. Despite this, in adult life he was able to alter his appearance to reflect his gender fluidity spending over half a million pounds on everything from fillers to a recent rib removal surgery. For the photoshoot two weeks ago, he donned a PlayBoy Bunny and a Dominatrix outfit, nipple tassels and lingerie in a bid to normalise men being able to express themselves however they choose. The photo-campaign by Thomas Evans, 32, called Femme the Man, which hopes to empower gender fluid individuals and encourage freedom of self-expression. - SEE CATERS COPY
PICS BY RODRIGO ALVES / CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: Prior to surgery in the old days before he became the human ken dol) - The Human Ken Doll has dressed in a PlayBoy bunny outfit and skimpy lingerie to support a gender fluidity campaign after childhood bullying for embracing feminine side. Rodrigo Alves, 34, pushes the boundaries in the New York photoshoot to show that men can be sexy and attractive in effeminate clothing and try to support those who feel unable to express themselves. He recalls from childhood being allowed to play with dolls and wearing effeminate colours, without judgement until going to school. Classmates would call him gay boy and other names, as well as pushing him down the stairs for not conforming to gender-norms of the masculine male image. Despite this, in adult life he was able to alter his appearance to reflect his gender fluidity spending over half a million pounds on everything from fillers to a recent rib removal surgery. For the photoshoot two weeks ago, he donned a PlayBoy Bunny and a Dominatrix outfit, nipple tassels and lingerie in a bid to normalise men being able to express themselves however they choose. The photo-campaign by Thomas Evans, 32, called Femme the Man, which hopes to empower gender fluid individuals and encourage freedom of self-expression. - SEE CATERS COPY Foto: RODRIGO ALVES / CATERS NEWS
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Menneskedukken Ken fortryder ikke, at han har fået foretaget alle de kirurgiske indgreb, men han fortæller, at han ikke længere kan kende sig selv, når han ser sig i spejlet.

»Mit råd til alle er, at de ikke skal gøre, som jeg har gjort. Jeg har fået så mange operationer, at jeg er  nødt til at skifte alle mine ID-kort. Jeg kan slet ikke kende mig selv mere. Når jeg ser på gamle billeder, er det som at se på en død person,« siger Rodrigo Alves.

PICS BY THOMAS EVANS / CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: Readying for embracing femininity with make-up wig and corset) - The Human Ken Doll has dressed in a PlayBoy bunny outfit and skimpy lingerie to support a gender fluidity campaign after childhood bullying for embracing feminine side. Rodrigo Alves, 34, pushes the boundaries in the New York photoshoot to show that men can be sexy and attractive in effeminate clothing and try to support those who feel unable to express themselves. He recalls from childhood being allowed to play with dolls and wearing effeminate colours, without judgement until going to school. Classmates would call him gay boy and other names, as well as pushing him down the stairs for not conforming to gender-norms of the masculine male image. Despite this, in adult life he was able to alter his appearance to reflect his gender fluidity spending over half a million pounds on everything from fillers to a recent rib removal surgery. For the photoshoot two weeks ago, he donned a PlayBoy Bunny and a Dominatrix outfit, nipple tassels and lingerie in a bid to normalise men being able to express themselves however they choose. The photo-campaign by Thomas Evans, 32, called Femme the Man, which hopes to empower gender fluid individuals and encourage freedom of self-expression. - SEE CATERS COPY
PICS BY THOMAS EVANS / CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: Readying for embracing femininity with make-up wig and corset) - The Human Ken Doll has dressed in a PlayBoy bunny outfit and skimpy lingerie to support a gender fluidity campaign after childhood bullying for embracing feminine side. Rodrigo Alves, 34, pushes the boundaries in the New York photoshoot to show that men can be sexy and attractive in effeminate clothing and try to support those who feel unable to express themselves. He recalls from childhood being allowed to play with dolls and wearing effeminate colours, without judgement until going to school. Classmates would call him gay boy and other names, as well as pushing him down the stairs for not conforming to gender-norms of the masculine male image. Despite this, in adult life he was able to alter his appearance to reflect his gender fluidity spending over half a million pounds on everything from fillers to a recent rib removal surgery. For the photoshoot two weeks ago, he donned a PlayBoy Bunny and a Dominatrix outfit, nipple tassels and lingerie in a bid to normalise men being able to express themselves however they choose. The photo-campaign by Thomas Evans, 32, called Femme the Man, which hopes to empower gender fluid individuals and encourage freedom of self-expression. - SEE CATERS COPY Foto: THOMAS EVANS / CATERS NEWS
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