Hvis du er en af de heldige, der allerede er blevet vaccineret, kan du godt kigge en ekstra gang efter, om rejsekufferten er intakt.

Mange danskere drømmer sig lige nu til udenlandske himmelstrøg. Det bliver dog holdt ved drømme for mange af os – men ikke for alle.

CNN bringer onsdag en liste over de lande, der tager imod de turister, der er blevet vaccineret.

Inden du pakker kufferten, skal du dog lige være opmærksom på, at Udenrigsministeriet stadig fraråder alle rejser - foreløbigt indtil 28. februar. Ligesom, der er krav om test og isolation, når du vender hjem til Danmark igen.


epa08646166 People enjoy the sea at Nissi Beach in the southeastern coastal resort of Ayia Napa, Cyprus, 04 September 2020. The Meteorological Services announced that Cyprus experiencing a heat-wave with temperatures up to 45 degrees Celsius. EPA/KATIA CHRISTODOULOU
epa08646166 People enjoy the sea at Nissi Beach in the southeastern coastal resort of Ayia Napa, Cyprus, 04 September 2020. The Meteorological Services announced that Cyprus experiencing a heat-wave with temperatures up to 45 degrees Celsius. EPA/KATIA CHRISTODOULOU Foto: KATIA CHRISTODOULOU
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Cypern var det første land til at annoncere sine planer om at gøre det tilladt at rejse til landet, hvis du er vaccineret. Du kan endda rejse til landet helt uden at gå i karantæne, når du kommer.

Reglerne gælder kun for Israel lige nu, men meldingerne går på, at det kommer til gælde resten af verden fra 1. marts. Det er dog ikke blevet bekræftet fra Cyperns myndigheder endnu.


epa08865497 View of installations during the Festival of Lights Dreamland, on Song Festival Grounds in Tallinn, Estonia, 05 December 2020. Festival of Lights Dreamland runs from 04 December 2020 to 10 January 2021 with more than 30 huge light sculptures created from several million lamps and thousands of meters of silk. EPA/VALDA KALNINA
epa08865497 View of installations during the Festival of Lights Dreamland, on Song Festival Grounds in Tallinn, Estonia, 05 December 2020. Festival of Lights Dreamland runs from 04 December 2020 to 10 January 2021 with more than 30 huge light sculptures created from several million lamps and thousands of meters of silk. EPA/VALDA KALNINA Foto: Valda Kalnina
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Estland har droppet de obligatoriske karantænekrav fra EU-borgere. Derfor kunne Tallinn eller en anden eksotisk by i Estland muligvis blive den næste rejsedestination for dig, hvis du er vaccineret.

Samtidig accepterer landet også alle personer, som er vaccineret med en af de ni vaccinationer og ikke kun de tre EU-godkendte vaccinationer (Moderna, Pfizer/BioNTech og Oxford-AstraZeneca).


TOPSHOT - A vendor sells fruits and vegetables on a street in Tbilisi during a heavy snowfall on February 17, 2021. (Photo by Vano SHLAMOV / AFP)
TOPSHOT - A vendor sells fruits and vegetables on a street in Tbilisi during a heavy snowfall on February 17, 2021. (Photo by Vano SHLAMOV / AFP) Foto: VANO SHLAMOV
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Det europæiske land Georgien har også valgt at ophæve restriktionerne for fuldt vaccinerede rejsende.

For nylig meddelte Georgiens udenrigsministerium, at alle besøgende, der har modtaget to doser af hvilken som helst vaccine, har lov til komme ind i landet. Endda uden at fremvise en negativ pcr-test.


A monument is unveiled at the site of Okjokull, Iceland's first glacier lost to climate change in the west of Iceland on August 18, 2019. Jeremie RICHARD / AFP
A monument is unveiled at the site of Okjokull, Iceland's first glacier lost to climate change in the west of Iceland on August 18, 2019. Jeremie RICHARD / AFP Foto: Jeremie RICHARD
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Fra 1. maj kan fuldt vaccinerede EU-borgere skippe karantænen og pcr-testen, når de besøger Island.

Hvis du ikke kan fremvise vaccinationsparpirene, har du også mulighed for at rejse til Island. Det kræver dog to pcr-test med karantæne imellem testene.


A woman feeds birds on the banks of the river Neisse in Goerlitz, eastern Germany, on November 26, 2020, with the Polish city of Zgorzelec in the background. - Poles living in Britain may receive a surprise package in the post this Christmas of dried mushrooms, candied fruit and spice cake - - not from Santa, but someone with a less altruistic motive. The parcels of Polish and German delicacies are being sent by the city of Goerlitz in Germany's former communist East, as part of efforts to attract Poles in Britain who are tempted to return to the continent because of Brexit. (Photo by John MACDOUGALL / AFP)
A woman feeds birds on the banks of the river Neisse in Goerlitz, eastern Germany, on November 26, 2020, with the Polish city of Zgorzelec in the background. - Poles living in Britain may receive a surprise package in the post this Christmas of dried mushrooms, candied fruit and spice cake - - not from Santa, but someone with a less altruistic motive. The parcels of Polish and German delicacies are being sent by the city of Goerlitz in Germany's former communist East, as part of efforts to attract Poles in Britain who are tempted to return to the continent because of Brexit. (Photo by John MACDOUGALL / AFP) Foto: JOHN MACDOUGALL
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Også Polen er et af de lande, der tager imod turister, som kan fremvise et certifikat, der bekræfter vaccination mod corona.

Dem, der leverer en negativ covid-19-test ved ankomst, kan også færdes i landet.


In this file picture taken on May 02, 2012, a child is pictured next to the statue of Roman Emperor Trajan in front of the National History Museum in Bucharest, Romania. - A Romanian sculptor was charged with fraud after selling to Bucharest's townhall brass monuments which were supposed to be of bronze, creating damages worth 3, 7 million euros, a police spokesman told AFP on February 15, 2021. (Photo by Daniel MIHAILESCU / AFP)
In this file picture taken on May 02, 2012, a child is pictured next to the statue of Roman Emperor Trajan in front of the National History Museum in Bucharest, Romania. - A Romanian sculptor was charged with fraud after selling to Bucharest's townhall brass monuments which were supposed to be of bronze, creating damages worth 3, 7 million euros, a police spokesman told AFP on February 15, 2021. (Photo by Daniel MIHAILESCU / AFP) Foto: DANIEL MIHAILESCU
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Siden 18. januar har rejsende kunnet komme til Rumænien, hvis de er blevet fuldt vaccineret.

Rumænien har dog indført begrænsninger fra rejsende, der kommer fra Rumæniens såkaldte 'gule liste'. Her indgår Danmark lige nu.


A picture taken on November 16, 2019, shows tourists walking on the beach with granite rocks on in Silhouette Island, the third largest island, Seychelles. - The Seychelles, a byword for luxury holidays and Instagram-perfect beaches, lives off tourism. But the idyllic honeymoon abode is confronting a tug-of-war over how to keep the economy growing, while protecting its fragile ecosystem. High-end tourism, mainly from Europe, helped pull the Seychelles from the brink of financial ruin after the 2008 economic crisis. Visitor numbers doubled in the decade that followed to around 360, 000 today. (Photo by Yasuyoshi CHIBA / AFP)
A picture taken on November 16, 2019, shows tourists walking on the beach with granite rocks on in Silhouette Island, the third largest island, Seychelles. - The Seychelles, a byword for luxury holidays and Instagram-perfect beaches, lives off tourism. But the idyllic honeymoon abode is confronting a tug-of-war over how to keep the economy growing, while protecting its fragile ecosystem. High-end tourism, mainly from Europe, helped pull the Seychelles from the brink of financial ruin after the 2008 economic crisis. Visitor numbers doubled in the decade that followed to around 360, 000 today. (Photo by Yasuyoshi CHIBA / AFP) Foto: YASUYOSHI CHIBA
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Seychellerne er det seneste tilføjede land på listen over lande, du kan rejse til, hvis du er blevet fuldt vaccineret.

Landet, der har beliggenhed ud for Tanzanias kyst, sigter ovenikøbet mod at blive det første land i verden til at vaccinere hele sin befolkning.